Occupational Therapy

Common Areas Occupational Therapy can address

We provide individualised therapy plans for children of all ages that focus on any of the following areas of concern:

  • Play
  • Social skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Handwriting
  • Visual perceptual skills
  • Gross motor skills
  • Sensory processing and sensory integration
  • Motor planning
  • Attention and concentration
  • Emotional regulation
  • Self-care (e.g., dressing, feeding and toileting).

Therapy Process

  • Initial parent consultation: The Occupational Therapy process will generally commence with a parent consultation. During this appointment, the therapist will discuss your concerns, your child’s strengths and areas of difficulty in order to find out more information as well as to provide some education and insight regarding your observations. This provides an opportunity to identify and collaborate on the next best steps to helping your child.
  • Occupational therapy assessment: Our Occupational Therapists have access to a variety of formalised assessments and questionnaires that address different ages, stages of development and areas of concern. Informal assessments and observations are also a beneficial tool used as well. An initial assessment will provide insight into your child’s strengths, areas of development, assist in developing therapy goals (in collaboration with parent concerns) and an intervention plan.
  • Reports: A detailed summary report will be provided to you after your child’s assessment. The report covers all areas assessed and provides a holistic review of your child’s capacity at the time of assessment. We generally review your child’s progress every 6-12 months to ensure goals are updated and reflect your child’s capacity.
  • Therapy: If your child has been recommended to commence therapy, they will be scheduled in with the clinician at the recommended frequency or what is viable for the family (typically weekly or fortnightly). 
  • Home practice and recommendations: To ensure continuity of therapy goals outside of the clinic, our Occupational Therapists can provide home programs with individualised therapy activities, equipment recommendations and strategies.
  • School preschool visit: We believe that holistic treatment is essential for the development of goal areas, therefore our Occupational Therapists can complete pre/school visits in order to provide valuable insight into including therapy goals within this environment for teachers / educators as well as to provide treatment in this space if deemed necessary.
  • Group programs: Throughout the year, there is opportunity for your child to engage in group therapy programs, usually within school holiday periods. The programs have been tailor made by our Occupational Therapists to address various areas of development including readiness for school, social skills as well as handwriting. Each term, we aim to run a different program based on client interest.

Treatment Strategies

  • Play based therapy: Play is an essential occupation for children and is a foundation for Occupational Therapy treatment. Play is a means by which children learn and achieve developmental goals. Therapists structure play to seamlessly integrate therapy objectives into motivating and enjoyable activities. 
  • Occupation based therapy: Through the identification of a desired skill in which a child wants to learn or improve upon, therapists assist to break down the task into a step by step process, provide modifications and enhance meaningful participation.
  • Sensory integration therapy: Sensory integration is a natural process that allows us to receive, interpret and respond to a variety of sensory information from an environment. Therapists utilise various sensory strategies to improve upon children’s ability to respond to sensory information, organise their body and engage within daily activities and environments. Intervention is guided by activities that may challenge or enhance a child’s ability to respond to sensory input.

At Head2Toe, we understand that children have their own set of important occupations/activities such as play and school. Our team of dedicated Occupational Therapists specialises in working with children and adolescents with varying abilities, addressing a range of developmental, physical, sensory, cognitive, and behavioural challenges. Our mission is to empower children to fully engage in the activities that are meaningful to them.

Whether it’s mastering fine motor skills for handwriting, improving sensory processing abilities, or enhancing social interaction skills, we are committed to providing personalized support to help children thrive. Through careful analysis of the specific challenges children face in their daily tasks, we collaborate closely with families to develop effective strategies and interventions. By fostering independence and confidence, we aim to equip children with the skills they need to lead fulfilling lives. At Head2Toe, we are dedicated to helping every child reach their full potential.

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